Saturday, April 22, 2017

Opening Day Review 2017

There will be several before and after photos in this report, but let's start with the gate. Before (last fall), the only structure still there in this photo is the one below (Season Pass Processing).

 After... I didn't mention this in the review, but the gold/burnt umber color of the buildings is almost identical to the original color of the Scandinavian gate.  Nice touch.

In twenty years I have learned that there is one indisputable fact about opening days.  They are not perfect.  Every year.  I keep hoping for a perfect opening day, you know. All the rides running, no one complaining about a sixteen-year-old having issues ringing up a taco, you know simple things.  It hasn’t happened yet, and this year wasn’t one either.  Though, with that being said, not only have there been far worse opening days, and while there were numerous issues that we will detail in this opening day review, there were also several positives.  And, unlike almost every opening day I have attended in the past, the positives were overwhelmingly so, and the negatives, very minor. 

So let's talk about opening day 2017.  Actually, let's start before that, as we attended the Thursday evening Passholder Preview event.  We arrived at the park around 4 pm, having remembered lines for passholder processing being never ending on opening day we arrived early.  It wasn’t really necessary as we processed our pass in about five minutes if even that. 

 Is there really anything I need to say here?  

Of course the most exciting part of all of this?  Seeing the new gate! Folks, this is what we have been preparing for, for YEARS, Decades even.  Over the last two decades I have written so many editorials, and commentaries in regards to the old Americana gate, the sad old Scandinavian gate, and the desperate need for a new gate I have stopped counting.  Once we heard the announcement last summer that the park was finally going to give the park a decent main gate for the first time in eighteen years my first thought after being incredibly excited, was… absolute terror.  Terrified that the park would end up with a gate that would look like every other cookie-cutter Cedar Fair gate built. I even made a comment somewhere along the lines of I thought it would be better than we expected, but not as wonderful as we would have hoped.

Folks… never, EVER, have I ever been happier to be more wrong.  The new gate is beautiful, well designed, and well-laid out, and most importantly, does absolute justice to what the park could be as a whole.  I have to go so far as to make a comment I never in my wildest dreams thought I would say.  I think I like it better than the original, beloved, Americana gate. 

 On the left is a look back at security coming from the front parking lots.  On the right is the walkway in from the back lots.

So what makes it deserve such accolades?  First and foremost, it’s functional.  Security was something we all knew was coming, and it’s handled here as well as could be possible considering the circumstances.  Security is located at the entrance to the plaza area, with two locations, one coming from the front parking lots, B, C & D and one coming from the back lots, E-K.  It WILL back up, it already has, but once you’re past it, you’re past it.  And you don’t have to look at ugly gray metal detectors in front of a gate.  Thank you GOD!  (I’m looking at you old Paramount parks…).   Our first visit we parked in C lot, so on  our first approach the first building is Passholder Processing.  Passholder Processing is the old Guest Relations building, but is virtually unrecognizable to its older form.  The simplest explanation is that it works and its design is simple and clean. Right next to that is the NEW Guest Relations Building.  With almost half the exterior walls being windows, it’s light and airy.  Guest Relations is also well designed with both an out of park entrance and in park entrance.  This allows guests to visit Guest Relations whether they are inside or outside the park. 

Guest Relations entrance from outside of the gate.

 Guest Relations entrance from inside the gate.

 Ticket Booths.  There is a wide empty space directly to the left of this picture which is a great job on planning.  Perfect for group events, etc.

A concern many had, including ours, was in regards to the location of the ticket booths to the gate area.  Originally we were thinking that security would be part of the gate/turnstiles area, and might see a traffic pile up with those in line for tickets, especially at high peak times (such as Halloween Haunt). With security being separate, I don’t see this as being an issue, and the “odd” layout of the ticket booths facing the gate doesn’t feel odd at all, again it's all very well laid out.  Honestly, though, the highlight of the whole gate area was how well it integrated everything, the old and the new.  The new being the new double-domed turnstile structure, which looks onto the relatively “old” entrance plaza area but still feels one in the same, and also, and most importantly, open. 

This isn't so much a before and after as it is a compare and contrast.  The old main gate in Americana was home to a compass...

 And so is the new gate.  Actually, from this angle both gates areas seem strikingly similar.

For example, the old Sky Heis station/Tivoli East has been for years hidden behind trees and other buildings, is now allowed to be seen right as you walk into the park, and for almost forty-five years old, looks pretty good!  One of the most memorable features of the old Americana gate, and well any good main gate is that once you enter it feels as if the park opens up in front of you, like a book.  The new gate has that same, or similar feeling, while also being just a tad bit grander.  I also love the addition of the compass at the base of the entrance walkways.  For those that don’t know, the original sunken fountain in Americana wasn’t actually original, the ORIGINAL entrance area had… a compass too.  Very cool.

The new Grand Pavilion picnic area, looks nice.  Remember this used to be a dump, that's the crazy part.

  Lockers, Rentals and Photos, this used to be First Aid.

So what is inside the park?  To the left is the previously mentioned Ski Heis/Tivoli East and new, fancy Grand Pavilion picnic area.  (That used to be a dump… I’m still trying to wrap my head around that one).  To the right is the old First Aid building, but you wouldn’t know it to look at it.  The old First Aid is now, Rentals, Photos, and Lockers.  But again if I hadn’t known they kept that old First Aid building… I would have had no idea this was the same building.  It’s so nice to see Lockers and Rentals not jerry-rigged into an old restaurant patio anymore… 

 The new Norma's Funnel Cakes, next door to Chickie & Pete's

Love the sign!

Of course, that old Patio isn’t a patio either.  The eastern side of Chickie & Pete’s is still currently under construction, but I am happy to report that Norma’s Funnel Cakes looks like it’s staying… Norma’s Funnel Cakes.  For those that don’t know Norma’s was and is still named after Lamar Hunt’s wife, Norma Hunt.

Touch screen ordering at Chickie & Pete's

I also went in and checked out Chickie and Pete’s itself.  As you might expect the small dining area and interior bathroom on the left side, is closed off, but I discovered something I didn’t at all expect.  Electronic kiosk food ordering.  I experimented with it a bit, and found you could order using any of the different dining plans the park is now offering, or simply ala carte.  Smart.  There are food ordering kiosks at Pizza Pier and Coasters too I believe. 

If it seems like I’m glowing over the new park gate.  I admit it, I am.  It really did exceed expectations, and even the most hard core, Worlds of Fun traditionalist fans seem to not have a single bad word to say, and all I have yet to hear are positive remarks.  A rare feat to come from a band of rabid Worlds of Fun fans.  Plus, I admit, I have been looking forward to writing this in an opening day review for so many years, and I was so thrilled to be able to look at the gate in a 99.999% completed state (Jeff, of course, had to point out the one concrete seam that still had tape in it…)

A friend of mine, who is also a season passholder made a comment that I will use to segue into the rest of the review.  The new gate is beautiful, but it’s basically a beautiful new front porch on the same old park.  Sigh.  Let's be honest, all of us that were there on Thursday at 6pm, waiting to be let into the rest of the park were wondering about two rides, Mustang Runner and Falcon’s Flight.  As we all know now they weren’t open, and sorry… it was like my nice beautiful hot air balloon… was massively deflated. 


 The Lift signage (actually Norseman's signage) received some new wood.

Standing there next to Voyager, I was looking for one thing at that point.  Tivoli.  I knew that they had chopped off the old (but not original) shaded entrance.  It had been looking just terrible for the last decade, and we knew that it would be better for it to go than to stay.  I’ll be honest, my first thought on seeing the new Tivoli was “ugh”, they had chopped off MOST of the entranceway, but not the whole thing.  I was told later the park wasn’t done with it.  So with that being said, I won’t go any further on Tivoli as I am interested to see what the final product will look like and like many things I am trying, very hard, to keep an open mind.

Since opening on that Thursday Worlds of Fun has been absolutely lambasted on social media in regards to closed rides for the entire weekend.  I have, every year, made a huge deal about closed rides on opening day.  I have been told by some that Six Flags, a park that closed in December because of their holiday event, had every ride open on opening day, I have heard, and felt the disappointment of not seeing the shiny new rides not operating.  After all, Jeff and I did literally travel over a thousand miles to ride them!  I stand behind what I have always said; every ride should be open on opening day, with very few exceptions to that rule.  I can understand that the gate was a priority, I mean; obviously, you NEED a gate for a park.  However, maintenance does not build a gate.  

Update: Mustang Runner is now operating as of Saturday 4/22/17, and it appears Falcon's Flight isn't far behind.  Though they weren't open on Opening Day, it is fabulous to see the park getting the new rides up and running "almost" on Opening Day.  Not picture perfect, but FAR better than we have seen in previous years.

Another point, that I really don’t understand is why Voyager was not only not operational but still very much in pieces.  The brake fins had yet to be re-installed.  Mind you this was a ride that was closed last September, it has been down now for eight months almost.  

Still.  I was told by friends who know me, and well Jeff too, that we shouldn’t be too hard on the park because it rained during the last two weeks leading up to opening day.  I also, personally, can’t stand people beating up on Worlds of Fun on social media.  Stop it.  Or if you are going to do it, at least get your facts straight, 50% of the rides were not down, there was a total of five, Timberwolf, Viking Voyager, Finnish Fling, Fjord Fjarlane and Zulu, and of about half that list, two were operational by Saturday night.  Also, there has been some improvement in the topic of ride operations, all the coasters that were operating were running two trains, (except Boomerang of course), a definite improvement over my previous opening day review in 2015.

Also in regards to the new rides… I highly doubt Mustang Runner and Falcon’s Flight will take until July to open.  Remember that? July?!  Yeah, I’d like to forget that too.

Fjord Fjarlane.

 And a control booth.

So moving on, we headed down into Scandinavia, as previously mentioned Fjord Fjarlane was down, though it was completely assembled, and was sporting a brand new paint job of teal and cream.  Fjarlane, surprisingly received a lot of work during the off-season it appears beyond just a paint job, it looks to have received a new control system, and entirely new entrance and control booth.  The control booth looks pretty much like all the more recent ones such as Steelhawk, a small, enclosed building, big enough for one person to move around in, which is all it really needs.  The control booth has a nice, themed trim similar to that on the old Chickie & Pete’s/All Stars/Inn of Four Winds/Smor Borg building, and is quite cute.  The entrance for the ride has also been moved over towards the eastern side of the ride (towards Tivoli).  Overall, it looks nice.  I think very few were complaining about Fjarlane being down with the small hope that maybe it will run the way it ran when it was originally installed, with more than a half-hearted nudge of a swing.

 Looking over to the gate area from near Fjord Fjarlane, a view that is quite different this year.

As mentioned previously both Voyager and Finnish Fling were closed throughout the weekend.  Both Scrambler and Sea Dragon were open.  A point I want to make before I move on.  There have been some complaints about Passholder Preview night.  How some rides weren’t open and some opened after 6 pm.  My distaste for closed rides is such that that point doesn’t need to be repeated.  However, I think some are missing the point of a “preview” night.  It’s a preview.  Meaning, it may not be 100% ready to go.  So if Scrambler, or a few rides were a little slow getting open, so long as they were open on Friday, don’t complain. It’s called a PREVIEW for a reason.  (This makes me wonder if the whole first weekend should have been a preview)

Moving into Africa, we found Zulu down too, but Prowler was running.  Zulu would be worked on by maintenance throughout the day on Friday, and would open on Saturday.  Which brings me to my next point.  When making plans to come to Kansas City for Worlds of Fun opening day I was surprised that opening day was on a Friday.  I am sure at some point in the park’s forty-four years of operating there may have been a year when opening day was not on a Saturday, but I can’t remember when that was.  Maybe it would have made more sense to keep opening day on Saturday?  That might have given maintenance some time to get more rides operational, and as both Zulu and Timberwolf were operational by Saturday,  I know hindsight is 20/20, but just something I thought about.

Throughout Africa, all other rides were operational at least part of the preview night, and throughout the rest of the weekend, though Nile didn’t open until 4 pm on Friday which I thought was a little odd.  I am not sure if that was a staffing issue or maintenance issue.  Though I have to admit I saw more than one ride operator with a supervisor shirt on which concerns me a bit.

Forum/Heart of America Theater.

From Mamba, we headed down Forum Rd, and I know some people will call us hypocritical for using it since we are such big proponents of CLOSING Forum Rd.  But we did want to check out the entrance to the Forum/Heart of America Theater since the map was rather confusing on this point.  The entrance and theater I am happy to report is completely unchanged. 

Another before and after, Krazy Kars prior to 2014. Note where Detonator is in the background.

AND Mustang Runner.  I think based off where Detonator is in the photo that this photo may be taken from the same place.  It wasn't intentional.

 Some nice signage.

As you exit Forum Rd for Americana the area itself is quite changed.  There used to be a bright yellow building for the kiddie bumper cars, and now that has been replaced by the new ride, Mustang Runner.  Overall, the area looks very nice and well put together, the landscaping crew did an excellent job, and I was surprised how many of the mature trees they were able to keep.  I’ll be honest though it took me a few minutes to find the entrance to the ride!  I went around to the right, I guess since I am so used to Krazy Kars and its entrance facing away from Detonator.  (Since it was oriented towards the original main gate).  Mustang Runner is actually on the opposite side, facing Detonator.  I love how the control booth again fits the theme and is made to match the old red Ski Hi barn next to it, very adorable.  Though neither ride was operational, Mustang Runner went through a series of tests on Friday, as if they really wanted to get the ride open for the weekend.  I also happen to know how a certain person in maintenance LOVES Huss, and I am sure he is having a field day with two new Huss rides that don’t want to do what they are supposed to do.

I blame the Germans.  It’s always their fault.

Over near ICEE/Custer’s Last Stand we noticed a few conduits poking out of the landscaping beds and figured that there was some work being done for Winterfest.  THAT will be interesting and I am very much looking forward to it.

We passed by Timberwolf, which was closed until Saturday night from what I have heard.  Supposedly, the final helix is incredibly rough, which was the segment that was supposed to have been re-tracked over the off-season.  I hope it does get some work done next off-season, and I hope that its re-tracking doesn’t get put off like the 2nd year tunnels on Mamba (basically, never happening).  On the topic of wooden coasters, even Prowler is getting a little rough.  With two wooden coasters, it’s past time for the park to start doing annual re-tracking work on both, beyond just typical maintenance; they are both too good of coasters to receive anything less.

I can't help it, I love this guy.  I really wanted that Pac-Man too, but it was at Cat Whack and that is quite possibly one of the hardest games to win.

In all this doom and gloom I figured I would point out a few shining stars that we noticed. First, games employees (I can't and won't use the "A" word) which have been quite outgoing for the last several years continued the trend, and seemed to continue to be going out of their way to have a good time.  By Game Street USA I had an absolute sudden desire for a Pac Man plush, and I also have to hand it to the Games employee over by Timberwolf Games.  There was NOBODY around, except me, and she was barking (come play my game, that games employees do), like she had a whole crowd of people around her.  Lots of enthusiasm, it was wonderful to see.  I have also read comments from others that are reporting improved experiences with park employees and we also had a good experience with Guest Relations on preview night.  Great job.

Another department I want to give kudos to and that’s retail.  For years retail merchandise was pretty stale, and for probably a decade I can’t recall buying much more than a pair of socks (which I still have and wear all the time). About two years ago retail came out with a retro line featuring the traditional Partridge Font, and merchandise featuring the Zambezi Zinger and Orient Express to name a few.  However, the logo that was used was what we call “Cedar Fair retro”.  Let me explain.  For the first twenty-four years of park operation the Worlds of Fun logo was the balloon, with “Worlds of Fun” in Partridge Font on a single line, like this…

In 1995, when Cedar Fair bought the park they almost immediately changed the logo, just slightly, so that the balloon was on the left, and “Worlds of Fun” was split and stacked into two separate lines on the right, like this…

Of course, we all know a few years back the park, along with pretty much every Cedar Fair park dumped their “park identity” logos and went for a branded, everyone the same (aka everyone boring), “Impact Font” logo.   Since then, we have argued for the need to return to the recognizable balloon and Partridge Font.  Well… the balloon is back.  Retail is back now with the Partridge font too, now only if we could get the rest of the park on board. 

Some new merchandise this year.  I love it!

So back to retail.  Well, after two years retail came out with a REAL Retro shirt, featuring the balloon and “Worlds of Fun” on one line.  Not only that, but retail is featuring several shirts that harken back to the golden years of Worlds of Fun, the 1980’s "tag lines" and Tivoli shows, "Let Go" and "Break Away" (1983 and 1984 seasons)

Retail has made two new additions completely unrelated to logos.  One is a pretty major addition, and that is the addition of Fuel Rod swap/buy stations in both Front Street Emporium and Plaza Gifts in Scandinavia. For those not familiar with Fuel Rods, they are great, pocket size cell phone rechargeable batteries.  You buy one once, and then they can be swapped an unlimited number of times for fully charged versions.  You can also charge them at home, and they are completely swappable, meaning the Fuel Rods we have bought at Disney parks (and they are all over the place there), are exchangeable for the ones at Worlds of Fun.  As far as I am aware Worlds of Fun is also the first park outside of Disney to offer them, and they are less expensive at Worlds!

A Fuel Rod station in Front Street.

There were a few other small additions to retail, first being a small "new" retail location in the Fury of the Nile queue line.  Nile, had many years ago had a small drink stand, called Sphinx Drinks, it has been closed now for about two decades.  This season a new retail location opened in the same small enclosed kiosk.  It's nice, and I am sure will come in handy to would be, and wet exiting riders.  

On the left are several Taffy barrels at Front Street, on the right is the new, un-named (?) merchandise location in the Nile queue line.

Also, not as major either but retail added Taffy to the candy lineup in the Front Street Shops.  Last thing before I go on, I mentioned how I never used to buy merchandise because it was all boring and the same?  Uh yeah… my bank account would like to return to those days.   So would my closet.

On the left is the New Funtier Arcade/Snoopy's Arcade exterior, on the right is the interior.

These two photos were once Uncle Sam's Skeeball Hall, today they are the entrance to First Aid.

Interior of First Aid.

Jeff and I parted ways briefly at this point he went to go ride Patriot and I wanted to check out a detail I had noticed on the park map over in the old Bicentennial Square.  I had noticed on the map that First Aid looked like it had been relocated to the old Uncle Sam’s Skeeball Hall.  Well, it has.  Truth be told, I guess it was inevitable.  Back when Bicentennial Square was built, and New Funtier Arcade and Uncle Sam’s Skeeball Hall opened in 1976, Arcades were growing into popularity.  Now, no one born in the last twenty years even knows what an Arcade is.  So the writing was on the wall.  What was New Funtier/Snoopy’s Arcade is still there, and received new wall color and flooring which it desperately needed (the old floor was literally falling apart).  It still has several arcade games and  Skeeball machines.  But the back half has been walled off.  The side entrance, which is where Uncle Sam’s “started”, has now become First Aid.  

Another before and after, and this one is pretty stark contrast.  Before we have old Europa, this was where the old Le Grand Prix Raceway was.

 And today... all I can say is WOW. 

Some very pretty signage.

 Those Falcons (Condors?) are going aerial...

At this point, we backtracked back to Europa. Europa has been the one section that has been in such need of life support for the last many years.  Consider, the last new ride Europa received was in 1979 with Le Carousel, the shops, restaurant(s), and rides have virtually been unchanged since 1973.  Two years ago, Moulin Rouge received a major facelift, along with Déjà vu.  This year, Europa finally received some serious love.  Falcon’s Flight, a Huss Condor, was mostly assembled, excepting for a few small detail elements.  While I think it probably has another one to two weeks before opening, unlike Mustang Runner I am not a bit surprised that it was not open for opening weekend.  Like Mustang Runner it made some movement on Friday (In that the ride vehicle lifted a few feet off the ground), so that was good to see.  The overall ride and queue line detail was spot-on perfect.  Of course, we have talked about the ride’s name, Falcon’s Flight and how it's not only appropriately (thematically) named, but also is one of the first rides in about twenty years to be named in a traditional, double same first letter name (Finnish Fling, Viking Voyager, Zambezi Zinger).    However, I like the details in that the queue line coverings are themed to a medieval tent, and probably an overlooked detail, that a key color of the ride, mauve (deep purple), matches the same mauve on the Flying Dutchman next door.  (Which is also boasting a new paint job) Overall, it is quite striking. 

Many people asked what I meant about the Europa Bathroom looking better, well this is why.  Here is the Europa Bathroom last year..

And here it is today, small details make such a huge difference.

In addition to the new ride the old asphalt from the train bridge, to right before Paisano’s was replaced entirely by concrete.  Two years ago they had removed all the small islands, and Cottonwoods, so thankfully or sadly, (depending on how you look at it), there really were very few trees that had to be removed.  One or two that used to tower over the old Grand Prix Raceway and one or two over by Autobahn.  There were a few new trees planted near Falcon’s Flight, that are as of yet an undetermined species of flowering tree.  So that’s good.  Several of the Cottonwoods and flowerbeds next to Autobahn are still there, and I am actually mildly surprised they kept the one’s that they kept.  Last detail, they added the white trim back to the Europa bathroom, and it, at least on the exterior, looks much more like its old, nicer, self.  Overall, the entire area just looks so much BETTER.

Any botanists out there that care to identify?  It almost looks like a magnolia but I don't think it is?

There is one draw back to all this newness.  And I only bring it up because A) It’s so obvious and B) It was mentioned by almost everyone I talked with.  The new areas (Falcon's Flight/Mustang Runner), gate, and new rides, looks SO nice, it makes the rest of the park well… look even shabbier then it already did.   Two points I would like to address that were especially striking, the “asphalt” and the railroad. So to start with the asphalt, some of it is just absolutely HORRIBLE condition.  I get the park can’t do everything in one year, and I did see several rather large asphalt patches, but when asphalt has massive cracks, and is crumbling like gravel… I don’t know what else to say.  Fix it.  I don’t know about my readers, but heck if it came down to concrete in a few smallish areas (okay it was HALF of Europa) vs. new asphalt everywhere in the park, I would have gone new asphalt everywhere.  I know I know it’s not my millions of dollars…

A view from the walkway behind Front Street of the train station, ELI and Europa.  Quite a different view.  On the right is the new Propane tank, the small tank is for filling the train, (right past the switch track), the larger propane storage tank is right behind it (looks like a rocket).  It was moved because the original one was where the Picnic pavilions are now.

Train shed, you can see how close the Picnic Pavilion kitchen is to it, that is where the old propane tank was.

While I am busy hypothetically spending Cedar Fair’s money, lets talk about the train.  First, I was rather surprised to see ELI fired up and running on Thursday night, it’s quite an undertaking to fire up a steam train for just four hours!  However, I am worried about ELI.  This year its forty-four years old, in forty-four years ELI has been the one, and ONLY steam train to pull millions upon millions of passengers around the park.  Consider that Knott’s has at least two, Cedar Point has four, heck even Omaha Zoo has TWO!  It’s an incredibly popular ride for multiple reasons and I would dare say it is probably the most popular.  Then why does Worlds of Fun not treat it as such?  Heck, couldn’t we at least PAINT the thing?  I noticed several large missing paint spots on the engine, one was there last year, but I am pretty sure not both of them.  Here is my last point, ELI should be the HIGHLIGHT and crowning glory of the park, but instead it sometimes seems to be treated worse than a Missouri mule.   Thankfully though ELI is still with us, and with the construction of the new gate and picnic facilities did receive a new propane tank.

To finish up, a look that is both similar and quite different.  Last year, Baltic Bazaar would have just been past those trees.

 And, at night...

  Overall, as always we did have a good time (or at least I did). I know many were disappointed about the rides not being open.  Many who have expressed the concern are passholders, and attended on Thursday.  I would be completely remiss without mentioning it, the park did graciously offer complimentary front of the line passes (two each), for any ride in the park, to be used up until the end of May to all passholders who attended on Thursday.  It was an unexpected and nice gesture.   I think overall though, beyond rides, and concrete, and a front gate, one of the most important aspects to anyone having a good time, is the quality and service from the employees serving them.  Both Jeff and I had several good experiences, as I mentioned previously.  The employee working at guest relations who assisted us with the front of the line vouchers was warm and conversational, the ticket takers at the front of the park seemed outgoing and sincere in wishing guests a good day or a good night, the ride attendants seemed to be having fun and I especially wanted to mention the conductor on the train. I loved the line about the train being the fastest ride in the park, because it can cover five continents in seven minutes, I'm not sure if that’s part of the new script or just this specific employee's idea, but whichever, it was fabulous.  I also spoke with many friends who also mentioned several positive experiences with employees.  I think Candy would be proud.  That above all else speaks of a positive outlook in the start of Worlds of Fun’s 45th season.  Hope to see everyone at the park!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

It is a Flat world after all?


Flat rides.  What are they you may ask?  Why do they matter you may ask?  Well to start a Flat ride is a ride that is FLAT, and is not a coaster.  (Scandi) Scrambler, Zulu, Cyclone Sam’s, Flying Dutchman, these are all prototypical flat rides.  The two new rides for 2017?  Condor (Falcon’s Flight) and Troika (Mustang Rider) are also both flat rides.  That might answer the "why they are important right now" question, but how about next year, or the next?   Let's be honest, people come to theme parks and amusement parks for one major reason.  Coasters.  Lots and lots of coasters.  People LOVE coasters, people are always asking when the next coaster will be added, what do you see advertised when you see Worlds of Fun?  Patriot, Mamba, Prowler.  COASTERS.

However, one cannot live on cake alone.  People don’t just come to parks and ride coasters, and often enough the coaster itself might be the first ride, but chances are the second, third and so on rides are the… flat rides.  They are the ones we ride over and over and over again because we all love them (well, some of them). Flat rides are thrilling in their own right, they make some of us puke afterwards, and some sick to their stomach just thinking about them… Which is how flat rides have received their second moniker… Spin and Pukes. 

So what does all of this have to do with Worlds of Fun?  Quite a bit.  Worlds of Fun has since almost day one been absolutely blessed with flat rides.  A few years after opening in 1977, the park decided to double down on flat rides and add, not one, but two.  Two years later came two more.  Why?  They were and are cheap, and of those four added in 1977 and 1979, many still love Zulu and Bamboozler of which both still operate in the park. 

So since flat rides have made such a huge impact on the park, I figured let’s do a feature on a few of the more memorable ones.  We can tell a few stories we may not have told yet, and then we can also look at the two newbies too.

Here is an interesting fact, that until two years ago every flat ride that opened with the park in 1973  was still operating.  Scrambler, Finnish Fling, Flying Dutchman and Octopus.  Of course, the removal of Octopus in 2014 ended that streak.   Of the four, they are all interesting in their own right, but since a recent conversation about Octopus with a friend of mine gave me the idea for this editorial I figured we would start there.   (Plus, I did cover all of them in detail in an editorial for the 40th Anniversary, its here: 9 Old Rides)

The conversation in particular was in regards to the color changes of Octopus over the years.  So lets talk about Octopus, a ride that had literally been every color of the rainbow.  Octopus was manufactured by Eyerly Aircraft Co, a company founded in Salem, Or. In the 1930’s to produce equipment to train airplane pilots.  By the 1940’s they were producing amusement park rides instead of training equipment, and by the 1950’s and 60’s their rides were a staple in parks and fairs across the country.  The Monster and Spider are their major hits, but all of the “-O-“ rides are theirs too. When Eyerly went out of business the rights to the rides and parts was purchased by Oregon Rides, which while still in business, the company is supposedly caught up in a family squabble causing parts to “their” rides to become difficult to obtain.  This explains, at least partially, why Octopus was eventually removed.  Additionally, and sadly I might add, this isn’t the first time, by a long shot, that a family squabble has caused not just rides, but in many cases whole parks to vanish into history.

Octopus is also interesting because like another flat ride, that is still operational in the park, it had been moved three times, and had three separate, different names, and who knows how many color changes.  In 1973 it opened with the park as the Oriental Octopus, it was painted all black and located where Bamboozler is today.

Octopus in its signature "Tomato Plant' color scheme in Pandamonium.

Now take a deep breath because here we go.  In 1983, the Barnstormer, a Bradley & Kaye tower plane ride was removed from the Aerodrome section of the park due to high winds.  The next year, 1984, Octopus was re-painted to red and black (often referred to as the tomato plant color scheme), and moved up to the Aerodrome to take its place; it was also renamed for the first time to Tailspinner.   Three years later, in 1987, when the Aerodrome was re-purposed into the “new” Pandamonium! Tailspinner remained known as Tailspinner but was re-painted once again, this time to the signature six-color Worlds of Fun balloon color scheme.  It wasn’t until 1994, that Tailspinner, though it hadn’t moved, was renamed a third time, to just Octopus, and re-painted once again to the tomato plant color scheme (red and black).  By this time Octopus had been repainted three different color schemes, had three different names, and been moved twice, but its story wasn’t over quite yet. 

 Octopus in its final home in Scandinavia.

In 1997, with the renovation of Pandamonium into Berenstain Bear Country Octopus was removed from the park.  At this point, it was unknown to onlookers whether Octopus would ever return to the park.  The answer to that question would come the next year in 1998 when Octopus was re-installed in the park, this time to a new, third location, Scandinavia.  This final move made Octopus, to date, the only ride at the park to operate in three separate themed sections in the park.  When re-installed, the cars were re-painted (yes again!) to lime green, while it also believed many of the cars were replaced.  Of course, Octopus would end its final run at Worlds of Fun in 2014, and it along with Krazy Kars (which was removed the next year in 2015) would leave the park with not nine original rides as I wrote about in 2014, but seven instead.

Way back in 1997 when I started, that’s where I would have ended it, facts, dates, and locations.  However, I have learned over the years that history isn’t only about what, when and where, but how those changes affect all of us.  So let me add some personality to this story.  I rode Octopus, when it was Tailspinner in 1987, the year Pandamonium opened, I was almost 10 at the time.  Saying I hated it would be the understatement of the year, I had taken a chance on an “unknown” ride and it would leave me fearful of trying new things again for several years.  Why the ride I took a chance on couldn’t have been Zambezi Zinger I will never know. Though I would finally “suck it up” and ride Octopus again many years later, I never shared any particularly positive experiences with Octopus and didn’t shed a tear when it was removed.  The same friend that inspired me to write this editorial, WAS upset to see the park remove it, unlike me he had many wonderful memories of Octopus and spoke at length at how much he disliked the various color changes of the ride over the years.

Singapore Sling on the left, Whirligig on the right, but the same ride.

Another flat ride that shares a similar, if not conjoined story with Octopus is a ride that IS still operating, Bamboozler.  Like Octopus it started in the Orient, but on the other side of the pavement from where it is now, where the entrance to the Orient Express would be located.  Bamboozler wasn’t known as Bamboozler in 1977 though it was originally named Singapore Sling.  When Orient Express claimed the territory in 1980, Singapore Sling was moved, to Americana, where it was renamed Whirligig, and was located across from the then Screamroller.  Whirligig would be the first of three rides in what has become a relatively-speaking “cursed” location, as the pad would later on be home to Omegatron and then Thunderhawk.  However, its stay in Americana wouldn’t be long, as Whirligig would again be kicked to the curb by a new ride, this time Omegatron in 1986.  It was only then that the ride that we all know and sometimes love, Bamboozler, the vacant space left by Octopus a few years prior. 

Singapore Sling with its original entrance, and next to it the Express entrance, notice how they are one in the same.  It appears the Sling queue line was enclosed for Orient Expressions gift shop.

Personally, I love these types of stories, because its proves such a great historical point, one thing cannot happen without it affecting many other things in the long run.  A great example?  The entrance to Orient Express, a tiny A-frame structure that we all think of as built for Orient Express?  It wasn’t built for Orient Express at all, but for Singapore Sling.  It was spruced up a bit, but still re-used from its original intention. Personally, I think Bamboozler never gets any love whatsoever.  It’s not an original ride, it was added five years after the park opened, its been pushed around, renamed, all in the name of the brand new rides (of which none of them are there anymore, ironic?) But here is one more interesting factoid.  Except for the two original flat rides from 1973, Bamboozler is the oldest non-original flat ride still operating in the park.  Bamboozler turns the ripe old age of 40 this year, right along with me… I feel your pain.  

Think of how many of us have any mechanical object still working that many years later?  You might.  Usually it’s called a classic by now though.

Side by side Chance Trabant (same model as Wobble Wheel) and Chance Wipeout (same model as Cyclone Sam's)

The amazing thing is that every overlooked flat ride has its own unique story.  Wobble Wheel, the ride added the very same year as Bamboozler (1977) was removed after the 1993 season, but what makes Wobble Wheel’s story so unique is that it was literally replaced by almost the exact same ride, Cyclone Sam’s in 1995!  They are so similar that many believe (in error) that Cyclone Sam’s IS Wobble Wheel.  Let me settle that urban legend here and now, Cyclone Sam’s IS NOT Wobble Wheel. Sam’s was a brand new ride in 1995, but it is basically an updated model extremely similar in design. Wobble Wheel being a Chance Trabant and Cyclone Sam’s a Chance Wipeout (both manufacturd by Chance Rides of  Wichita Ks.). It’s a great story that a ride was replaced by its own virtual twin.  Of course Sam’s was also historically important as it was Hunt Midwest’s last addition to the park, soon afterwards (as in months) they would sell the park to its current owner, Cedar Fair.

Original press release photos from 1977

In the 16 years that Wobble Wheel operated at the park, it would be joined by several spin and puke worthy cousins that many of us still know quite well.  Zulu, which in a unique flat ride twist in that it not only has the same name, but same location as it did almost forty years ago when it was added in 1979.  However unlike Wobble Wheel, and Bamboozler, Zulu was manufactured by a German Company, Huss Rides (pronounced more like “whose” not “us”)  Huss Rides is still around manufacturing flat rides, and manufactured the two “new” rides for 2017, Falcon’s Flight and Mustang Runner.  Zulu is pretty much what you see is what you get, its an old stand by that everyone loves.   Ride operators at the park loved to give it and Octopus its own mash up name when Octopus was Zulu’s next door neighbor, and its ride complex was often referred to as Octa-Lu.  I always remember it as not only the ride I won’t ride (something about the name Spin n’ Puke…) but as the ride that has the awkward Schwartzkopf twin, that is the same, but its not.  Both are given the same model name “Enterprise”, but though the Schwartzkopf version was the first introduced of the two, the Huss version is the more common.  As an interesting factoid the Highland Fling at Six Flags St. Louis is the closest geographical Schwartzkopf version of the Enterprise, once again “like” Zulu but not quite.

 Wing Ding is about center left in this photo.

Of course one of the most interesting flat rides also happens to be Worlds of Fun’s shortest operating ride in the parks existence.  Wing Ding.  Most, other than geeks like me who have nothing better to do, have never heard of the thing.  It was added the same year as Zulu (1979), but unlike Zulu it was removed from the park only three years later.  The funny thing about Wing Ding is I am not sure which part is the more interesting story, the ride while it was at Worlds of Fun, or what happened to it after it left Worlds of Fun, because folks if you made it this far you are about to read something no one (or okay maybe the two or three we have told) has known.  UNTIL NOW. 

 The Fly-O-Plane at Lake Winnie.

First a little background on Wing Ding, it was manufactured by Eyerly Aircraft Co. (same company as Octopus), it’s most commonly referred to as a Fly-O-Plane, and as far as I am aware there is only one operating in the country at this time, at Lake Winnepesaukah near Chattanooga, TN.  Suffice it to say it is an incredibly rare ride.  If you are familiar with a May Pole you have the basic idea of the way this ride worked. Eight “planes” are attached via medal sweeps to a center hub.  When the ride rotates a coiled wire would wrap around the center hub, lifting each attached sweep and plane into the air.  Once airborn each plane could spin independently itself.  The way everyone remembers it?  Human being in a tiny spinning tin can.  As in jammed into a tiny little metal space that vaguely looks like a plane, that spins, at sometimes crazy speeds.  It is probably one of the reasons flat rides are also called spin and pukes.  There is probably a good reason the restroom in what is now Planet Snoopy is where it is.  Besides being memorable for ALL the wrong reasons while at the park, it’s also been incredibly memorable for its “urban legend” of what happened to it after it left the park.  Urban legend says that Worlds of Fun its it’s haste to remove Wing Ding, neglected to remove the “Worlds of Fun” in the ultra iconic, PARTRIDGE FONT before selling Wing Ding to a fair circuit.  The ride didn’t cause any undue “dangerous” havoc at the park itself, but did at some point on the fair circuit, and since that point every ride removed from the park has been scrubbed of any PARTRIDGE FONT logo going forward when it left the park. 

So did that all really happen?  Well.  Maybe.  What I can tell you is that unlike every other defunct Worlds of Fun ride that has been located after its removal from the park, Wing Ding can still be identified to this day (ok, last year), by the fact that it still carries the “Worlds of Fun” logo on it.  Yes that’s present tense.  Because Wing Ding still exists. 

Yes this is Wing Ding, sitting on a trailer in some field.

No I won’t tell you where it is.

When Orient Express was being removed, Omegatron was going with it.  

Of course not every ride that gets removed from Worlds of Fun goes to another park, many do, but not all.  Many go to the great scrapyard in the sky.  For those that have witnessed the actual removal of a ride, or even worse the actual action of throwing of said ride into the junk trunk or dumpster, you know it’s a very sobering scene.

Original press release for Omegatron in 1986

Another great, memorable flat ride went that way.  It was called Omegatron.  Omegatron was added to the park in 1986, and if you remember it replaced Whirligig (now Bamboozler) near the exit for the Timberwolf.  It, along with EXT that came around 1983, were part of a “1980’s vision of the future” additions, both ride AMBASSADORS wore the same costume, white “buck rogers” type top, with the EXT logo and Omegatron added below it.  Omegatron like many other Worlds of Fun rides was state of the art, it was the Vekoma prototype Skyflyer,  I believe there may be one operating somewhere in the world, it like Wing Ding is incredibly rare.
Omegatron is at about 1:00 into the video

Omegatron is probably remembered for two things, its signature whine, those of us that remember are probably either vividly remembering it, or possibly humming it to their best ability right now….  For those who weren’t alive for Omegatron (can we trade?), or even for those who just want to remember it there is a great YouTube video of Omegatron operating.  The second memorable thing about Omegatron was the change.  As in both the sound of falling change, and what it was used for after it was collected.  See AMBASSADORS at EXT (Screamroller) and Omegatron and elsewhere, were very well behaved Worlds of Fun minions, that was until they got of work when they threw great parties where Pepsi and Kool-Aid were served… You can all believe that right?  That all your loose change went to buy… Pepsi.  Lets just leave it there.

‘With a new flat ride pretty much every four to five years at maximum it would be another decade before another one came around, and it would be historic, Cyclone Sam’s, mentioned previously replacing its almost identical predecessor Wobble Wheel in 1995.  Cyclone Sam’s was unique to the park in that it was an outdoor ride, that was themed and ran indoors, but probably more interesting it was also the last addition by Hunt Midwest to the park. 

Cedar Fair, the new owners would jump right in and start making their mark on the park right away.  Almost every choice they made in the first few years had resounding impacts in the park, even today, some good some not so good.  But this isn’t an editorial about Cedar Fair.  One thing Cedar Fair has historically not really been known for is its abounding additions of flat rides, one only has to look at Cedar Point to see that.  And from 1998 until a little over a decade later, 2009 Cedar Fair’s additions to Worlds of Fun were almost entirely ALL coasters, so much so I like to refer to that time period as the “Coaster Decade”.  But again, this editorial isn’t about coasters either.

There was ONE flat ride added in that first Cedar Fair decade, and that was in 2002 with the addition of ThunderHawk, another Huss Ride, known more commonly as a Top Spin, and one in which Worlds of Fun tried to do something untried once again.  Worlds of Fun attempted to take a flat ride and make it a water ride.  It was a great idea, actually fairly revolutionary, but one that like so many revolutionary ideas, it just didn’t work that well.  (EXT as a stand up anyone?) For the last few of its years in the park Thunderhawk stood idyll more than it actually operated.

Before we continue to go forward lets go back twenty years ago before we look at the now.

In 1997, I wrote a letter to Worlds of Fun in regards to park history… I received a letter, park history timeline and a Mamba promo photo (that was actually Steel Force but that’s another point) I still have all of them, but an interesting point I will never forget was a comment made in the letter by then Public relations manager Whitney Howland, that history is always being made.  No truer words were ever said, because Mamba is now almost 20 years old, and by any definition historically important.  Why am I bringing this up?  Because, hopefully, in another ten or twenty years we will be talking about 2017, not as the upcoming season, but how it fit into the next ten to twenty years of Worlds of Fun history. 

Same ride?  hmmm.... Bounce-A-Roos on the left, Kopter on the right. 

So the two “new” rides, Huss Condor and Huss Troika (Falcon’s Flight and Mustang Runner), aren’t really new are they?  That’s the argument many people are using is that Worlds of Fun (or Cedar Fair) is adding banged up, used old rides to the park and calling them new.  First off, buying classic rides that are used is not necessarily a bad thing and can, in fact be a VERY good thing. Second, unlike going to a used car dealership these rides will be for all intensive purposes new.   Third, this is by FAR not the first time this has happened.  Obviously, Steelhawk was used but how about Rockin’ Reeler and Skyliner?  Both of those were and are used.   How about not even a new ride to the park being marketed as a new ride?  That’s a very old amusement park trick.  Move a ride around, give it a new name and call it new.  

This is my last story for you today, and it starts in 1977 once again.  1977 saw several new rides and additions, Singapore Sling, Wobble Wheel, and the third ride that was “new”?  Bounce-A-Roos.  Yes, that jumping kangaroo ride in Europa.   See in 2014, I wrote an editorial called “9 Old Rides” about the nine operating original rides from 1973.  But really, there weren’t nine original rides in 2014,  there were actually TEN.  In the ultimate game of switch-a-roo, Worlds of Fun took one of their original rides, a kiddie ride named Kopter.  They chopped off the very top “helicopter” theme, added a Kangaroo head, moved it from Scandinavia to Europa, and here is the kicker… MARKETED it as a new ride.  Clever.  What is even more so is that most of us fell for it, for years.  So how do we know you might ask?  I had a good suspension several years ago when I was studying park maps and noticed that Kopter ceased appearing on the map in 76 and a similar ride, Bouce-a-Roos showed up in 1977.  Once we had a Bounce-A-Roos car though, and split the head off (because transporting a nine foot kangaroo isn’t easy), the writing was on the wall… or the car so to speak.  The car underneath the head was still there, mostly.  The paint was pealing but it was bright red, and that obviously it had experienced some serious cosmetic surgery.  It answered the question, and left me with one more… if you were Hunt Midwest and you were moving a ride to Europa, and you had full creative control of what it would look like…. WHY KANGAROOS?

So in the last seven pages we have looked at many of the major and many minor players when it comes to Worlds of Fun’s flat ride collection, rides and attractions that are often overlooked but I firmly believe form the bedrock to the park’s ride collection, and set the park apart from its Missouri family members by offering an exceptional flat ride lineup.  Historically speaking, while the park’s oldest coaster is only twenty eight, there are two flat rides that are almost twice that age, and another that is only a few years younger, meaning anyone that has an interest in park history, its an oversight to miss the most important and oldest members of the park’s family.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

New Gate Review of Videos

How many years have we talked about how the park has desperately needed a new gate and the answer always was that it wasn't done because they wanted the money to do it right.  Well I think we finally are getting a taste at just how large a scale "getting a new gate" will take.  First I thought before we get into the questions we should start with some facts.

#1)Baltic Bazaar (Norma's Funnel Cakes), Tivoli Central, Tivoli West, Gate and Ticket Booths are all gone as of now.

#2)First Aid (the structure), Tivoli East (old Ski Heis), Chickie and Pete's, Fjord Fjarlene and Plaza gifts are staying but many of these structure may be re-purposed, or partially so.  

For a size comparison I am presenting the area of the original Americana main gate.  It may make the
size of the new area which appears immense appear in scale to the original gate area.

So onto the videos...

This is the most interesting video for me as it's inside the actual park and you can see how much things have changed (I refer to this as the shock and awe video).  First and foremost everything past the trees is completely gone, the ticket booths, old guest relations, Baltic Bazaar and Tivoli West and Central picnic areas.  Pretty much everything under the arrows above is gone.  It's quite striking.  At 9 seconds in you can see that the old First Aid IS still there, and this corresponds with what we have been heard, in that First Aid may be becoming the new Guest Relations.  If you look closely you can also see a gray colored wall behind First Aid, this is also a placeholder from the old gate, in that this is the same fence that separated the guest area from the maintenance back area.  Continuing on you can see the four Silver Maples that stood in the gate area are still there but like I mentioned everything beyond them is gone.  My question is where will the gate stand?  Will it be immediately behind the trees or will there be a new large open space such as the mentioned International Plaza?  Some who have brought up just how large the area being demolished is question whether this new large tract will also feature new group picnic areas (a good guess since two have been demolished) or even possibly for new additions in future seasons.

This video was by far the hardest to figure out WHERE exactly it was shot from.  If you see the aerial  photo above I have pinpointed approximately where we think it was shot from.  At the start you can see a tree line in the background and behind that a mass of cars (cars are frequently stored in the lots in the off-season from the nearby Ford Claycomo plant), I believe that we are seeing H lot behind the trees, and the foreground area is what was originally the boneyard or park dump.   Also during the first few seconds of this video you can see a white structure, as well as a bright blue porta potty.  The white structure is the bump out of the Tivoli that you can plainly see in the aerial photo above.  Between the porta potty and the Tivoli you can just barely make out the old train shed that ELI is stored in during the off-season.  What is also missing, which may not be obvious, is the large white propane tank that was always stored across the road from ELI, it was from this tank that the smaller propane tanks carried in ELI's tender were refilled from.  So where will it go now?  Another question we have no answer for.

A very similar video to the one above, but this one shows a slightly different view and is one where it is plainly obvious that this area was the boneyard as the earth walls that are so familiar to anyone who has ever visited the boneyard.  Up on the rise you can see just a bit of G lot and the old walkway into the park.  One thing is certain this is a VERY large area.  With the movement of the gate it was almost without question that the boneyard had to be moved but without that quite literal hole in the ground, it really opens up the space and makes the area virtually unrecognizable.  I say this as a good thing, it makes me really want to see the artwork for this area just so I can see the grand plan.  Will all this space be inside the gate?  Will it be outside the gate?  Originally Falcon's Flight was intended to be located in the new gate area, so obviously there is room for a new ride to go there, and I doubt it will be in 2017 but what about 2018 and beyond?

Once again we are left with more questions than answers.  One thing is certain the place will look a whole lot different on Opening Day 2017 then it did on Opening Day 2016!