Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What was once lost is now found!

I questioned whether to make a blog post out of this, but it is such a great story. Jeff, my husband and occasional co-wof junkie collected about five of the old souvenir photo books from the 1970's and 1980's when he was a kid. Of course when I discovered theses little beauties I wanted to borrow them... Well I borrowed them and they remained "borrowed" for many years, and we finally came to the realization that they weren't really borrowed anymore they were plan and simple, lost. After years of occasional searching, we finally gave up and considered them lost to time. It was a very sad moment for a WOF history fan.

(Brandon don't worry I don't think I can lose a large business size box of photos)

Well after cleaning up our basement a few weeks ago.... I discovered a lost treasure. The souvenir books! I was very excited, not to mention greatly relieved that they didn't fall prey to my intrinsic ability to lose things forever. :)

What do you think I did once I found them? I started scanning them of course!

No I didn't scan them all at one time, for one reason I just don't have that much free time! However I did scan completely the one I consider one of the most unique, the 1973 version. I now have it published online for your viewing pleasure here: http://www.worldsoffun.org/history/1973sb.html

Also if you should have even more free time, (can I borrow some?) be sure to check out the publications page if you haven't already. Over the past 13 years (yikes!!) I have scanned several of the old park maps, brochures, and the 1978 version of the photo book, you can find that nifty page right here: http://www.worldsoffun.org/history/publications.asp

What? You have to go to another page to view pretty photos? No I would never do that to you all. So to wet your appetite here is one of my favorite pages for the previously mentioned 1973 souvenir map. If you want more, well just click on that little link above. Be sure to click on each page for a larger version!


Tom Grelinger said...

Thanks for posting this. The thing that stands out (beyond all the ships being removed) is how much more treed the park is now. If you look at the Finnish Fling area, it looks like there used to be a lot more sunburns back then and a lot less shade.

Momma M said...

This took me back. I love the old pictures!!!